Your City Your Control
The Detroit city government is a service institution that recognizes its subordination to The People of Detroit. (City Charter)
Note: This is not the website of unlawful considered current government (May 1, 2021) with M. Duggan as mayor but is the legitimate representation of the will of The People with your consent.

1. Detroit City government is a service institution that recognizes its subordination to the people of Detroit.
Definition of subordination: in obedience to, under the orders of
Translation of: "Detroit City government is a service institution that recognizes its subordination to the people of Detroit." = The government must obey the people or follow their orders when they collectively give them.
You are now asked to envision a Detroit in which there is no poverty and every adult has a credit of $100,000 in their city treasury account. Envision a Detroit where the hundreds of thousands of empty properties and spaces are given away free to those who need housing. Imagine a Detroit whereas your electricity and water is not shut off but allocated to you for free. Place in your mind the idea of the marketplace being owned by the community so that you don't "spend" money but instead rotate it back into your own pockets. This is the new dispensation if YOU consent to it. This is the REPUBLIC OF DETROIT.
Detroit Police Defeated by Human Rights Policy Officers
Human Rights Policy Officers are on a mission to stop human rights abuses in Detroit and help the people to live their "best life". This is happening by helping the people to assert the number one human right of SELF-DETERMINATION which is the right of descendants of slaves (Black people) to take independent political control over where we live. That includes control over all assets such as the hundreds of thousands of empty properties that sit idle in Detroit while the majority of the population is functionally homeless. We also can leverage city assets to give ourselves reparations, disband the police, and free those who have been wrongfully and excessively convicted.

Knocking out bad policies!
Simple policy alterations will put residents in a state of self-sufficient prosperity.

We are organizing and campaigning around the clock to bring about this new dispensation for Detroit beginning on July 4, 2021. We welcome and encourage your participation. Please call as Human Rights Policy Officers are on standby 24/7 to address your concerns.
In the words of President Woodrow Wilson when advocating the right of self-determination: "people may now be dominated and governed only by their own consent" (February 11, 1918).
The Whitewashing of Detroit is Over!

New Departments
Putting Detroit Into Black Hands
Do you consent to a life of prosperity in Detroit?
Join the video conference every Thursday.

Please join the video conference to find out about your right of self-determination. Click this link to attend on Thursdays at 8pm EST: (you do not need an app, just click "Launch in web")
Declaration Made on July 4, 2021
"Today we the people, in particular us who may be considered Afrodescendant and indigenous, stand here to assert our human right of self-determination. Asserting such right is the only guaranteed way to end our social-economic humanitarian crisis because now we control the political decisions that can immediately change our condition for the better. We determine that the many empty properties in this city will be utilized to provide free housing ownership for all, we determine that city assets shall be leveraged to give ourselves reparations, we determine a new dispensation in which the wrongs of the past are corrected with new policies. We withdraw our consent to this system that has reduced us to mere colonized people who others feed off of. We declare our independence on the day that the founding fathers also decided that it was the only way to solve the unjust treatment that was upon their people. Like them we move away from the empty rhetoric and actions that net no results.
Because of the human rights abuse
seemingly inherent in this system under its authorities, which has us in a
crisis, we intervene on our own behalf and change this situation now with our
own hands. Current political leadership of this city does not represent the
will of the people but instead seeks to suppress our will as they did when
thousands began to gather here 3 years ago (July 4, 2018) to express our
political will. They knew that we were using the power of assembly not to ask
of them but to crush their selfish interest by giving authority and prosperity
directly to the people. Their unlawful acts of suppression, now justify
immediate dismissal and immediate direct action by the people of Detroit
assisted by Human rights policy officers.
We have established a temporary
council to implement new policies such as allocating properties to the people
of the city. The current officials, representing our old condition, are
dismissed as we step into a new condition. Change is now as self-determination
begins at this moment."